My Journey to Better Health

My Journey Starts

I started my journey to better health with Annette at Nutrition Link Services back in May 2019.  In my time with her, we discussed my health and goals; and she provided me with meal plans, information, and the guidance I needed to get started and stay on track. She also asked for me to get a physical in order to see where my bloodwork is at now that I’ve been on the program for a few months.

My Results

My bloodwork results are a testament to the work I put in with the help from Annette. My Hemoglobin A1C has always been on the high end of the normal range, and now it’s the lowest it’s been at 5.2. My triglycerides were previously 230, and now they’re at 144. These are definitely the kind of results I was hoping for along with my 28-pound weight loss so far.

Looking forward to continuing this healthy path!

~ Alexis L.